The aim of this section is, on the one hand, to make children more aware of the environment and, on the other hand, to act as a guide for all those parents, tutors etc., who want to carry out educational games or activities about the environment with the little ones at home.
One way or another, the environment includes all of our surroundings:
NATURE, SOCIETY (FRIENDS, FAMILY, ACQUAINTANCES…), CULTURE, WORK… Because there are so many of us and we rely on natural resources to live, these resources are beginning to deplete and become polluted. In order to avoid this, we need to get to work!
I Have you ever thought about what happens to the paper or rubbish we throw directly on the floor? Thanks to none other than the actions of nature itself, the rubbish we toss is reduced or eliminated from the natural environment, however, this process can take a while… Hundreds and thousands of years! A very positive action we can take is RECYCLING, and we can do it in all areas of our lives: at school, at home, on holiday, with friends, etc.
We teach you games, which as well as being fun, will help you learn, on your own or with friends, about what you can do to look after the environment. Listen to and recognise animal sounds or environmental sounds, identifying their origin, and whether or not they are real, etc.
Environmental Education aims to promote environmental awareness, ecological knowledge and specific attitudes and values geared towards the rational use of resources and sustainable development. UNESCO (a United Nations organisation for education, science and culture) places special emphasis on this tool by creating a series of educational manuals available below.
Energy is the driving force for all activities and living things. Discover how to show children its importance by building a greenhouse together, as well as a water mill and other simple inventions that work with different energy sources.
Which natural factors are involved in the formation a landscape? Why do they change depending on the weather, and what are the reasons for these changes? Find out and help your little ones understand it by carrying out interesting yet simple crafts.
What is the atmosphere and what is it made up of? And wind? How can I explain this to the little ones? This manual provides you with the necessary concepts, as well as the instructions on how to make your own thermometer and anemometer.
Although it is the Earth’s most abundant natural element, it is also the most exploited. Help the little ones become aware of its importance with a number of different games and activities, as suggested in this manual.
Would you like to observe small, live animals without hurting them? Here you will find some suggestions on how you can do so. Do you know the importance that each living thing on Earth has? From the smallest to the biggest, every animal plays an important role in the balance of ecosystems. Find out more in this manual.
Children have a large learning capacity and so it is important to teach them good practices from an early age. There are a large number of ways to capture their attention and teach them the importance of consuming resources responsibly. With this manual, you will learn how to recycle paper easily and how to build a nest for birds.
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