Uno de los aspectos más importantes de la lucha contra los incendios forestales es el de la PREVENCIÓN, siendo la acción más eficaz contra la producción de éstos. Esta acción se basa principalmente en dos elementos, la planificación preventiva y la regulación de los usos y actividades susceptibles de provocar incendios forestales.
• Época de peligro alto: de 1 de junio a 15 de octubre.
• Época de peligro medio: de 1 de mayo a 31 de mayo y de 16 de octubre a 31 de octubre
• Época de peligro bajo: de 1 de enero a 30 de abril y de 1 de noviembre a 31 de diciembre.
Forest Fire Prevention Band 2022
Triptico. Acciones de prevención y defensa de incendios forestales junto a zonas habitadas
Triptych. Use of fire in agricultural and forestry activities forestry activities
INFOCA firefighting calendar. Against fire we all act
Procedure for requesting burns
The current regulations on the use of fire in forest areas and zones of forest influence in Andalusia include influence areas of Andalusia includes different administrative procedures for their depending on the time of danger.
These periods are those defined in Decree 371/2010 of the INFOCA Plan, in such a way that that:
1. During the high danger season, from June 1 to October 15, all burning is prohibited.
2. During the medium danger season, from May 1 to May 31 and from October 16 to October 31, the following must be requested Authorization must be requested according to the corresponding model 30 days in advance. 30 days in advance.
3. In the low danger season, from November 1 to April 30, it is necessary to present, 10 days in advance, a Responsible Declaration for the burning of plant remains according to the corresponding model, which includes a condition to be fulfilled; and for the burning of standing brush and pastures, it is necessary to request Authorization.
In addition, it is very important to emphasize that in order to carry out any burning, in addition to complying with the corresponding administrative procedure, it is necessary to:
1. Comply with the conditions attached to the responsible declarations and with the requirements requirements included in the resolutions authorizing the burnings.
2. Review the Forest Fire Risk Index, as any burning should be suspended when it is VERY HIGH OR EXTREME.
Decree-Law 3/2024, modifies the Regulation on Prevention and Fight against Forest Fires, approved by Decree 247/2001, dated 13 December 2001. Fight against Forest Fires, approved by Decree 247/2001, of November 13, 2001, making some November, making some administrative simplifications of the procedure for the simplifications of the burning application procedure, which are summarized in the document:
Infographic on administrative simplification of the burn application procedure decree Law-3-2024
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Ministry of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification
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